
FedEx Standard
Here is an estimated time-in-transit map for our FedEx Standard shipping and handling option.
FedEx Ground delivery schedule is typically Monday through Friday.
FedEx Home delivery schedule is typically Tuesday through Saturday.

UPS Ground Standard
Here is an estimated time-in-transit map for our UPS Ground Standard shipping and handling option. UPS Ground delivery schedule is typically Monday through Friday.
Our USPS shipping options are 2-3 business day service and a tracking number is always provided.
LTL (Less-Than-Truckload)
LTL shipments are delivered as close as possible to the recipient's property line, and the recipient is responsible for unloading products. The shipping charge does not include a liftgate nor other services; however, these often can be provided by the shipping company for an additional fee. Any damage must be noted at the time of delivery. Signature for the goods without notation of damage or missing pieces is acknowledgement that everything has been received and is intact. Refusal of delivery will result in additional charges.
* Smaller items are often placed inside larger items for protection during shipping. Please remove all items from the shipping carton and open any larger items or boxes. Please also look through all bundled paper to locate all parts of your order.
Courier Delivery
Local businesses may use this same-day shipping options for in-stock orders placed by 1:00 PM ET. This service includes up to 15 minutes of unloading time. Additional time is billed back at an hourly rate of $25 per hour. A delivery signature is always required for this shipping option.
Shipping Notes
Shipping and handling costs are based on the weight and size of the items ordered, the selected shipping method, as well as the delivery address. If the delivery address is different than the one we have on file, a $5 drop-ship fee will be assessed and the receipt will not be included with the shipment. If you wish to change your default shipping address, please do so online or contact us.
Expedited shipping options are available for in-stock items shipping within the contiguous U.S. Guaranteed delivery rates are updated at 1:00 PM ET Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. BirdYard Direct requires a street address for all guaranteed delivery options. If a street address is not provided, we cannot guarantee a delivery date and may need to contact you for a deliverable street address.