Vita Gardens Mezza Cedar Composting Garden Bed, Brown, 4'

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SKU: VIG-VT17701
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Add a convenient and durable composting and planting area to your yard with this Vita Gardens Brown Mezza Cedar Composting Garden Bed. This modular, bottomless unit easily rests within your yard, providing you ample space to grow your own food in a nutrient rich soil. Anodized aluminum channel posts easily hold the included, stacking cedar slats, creating a traditional, 4' square bed. A central basket with striking, open grid stands in the center of this bed, designed to hold your kitchen and yard scraps. Alternate layers of green, nitrogen rich materials such as leaves, vegetables, and fruit peels with layers of brown materials such as coffee grounds, twigs, or cardboard, which are full of carbon. This creates fantastic compost over time, spreading nutrients throughout the soil for a healthy harvest. For added versatility, add more slats and posts in a variety of configurations to increase your planting area and alter the footprint of the frame. Crafted from sustainably sourced, FSC cedar and sporting an environmentally safe, water based stain, this unit remains durable and beautiful for many seasons of service. Tan, brown, and yellow hues along the grain of each further their natural look, enhanced by the variations between each piece. Line the base of this bottomless unit with landscape fabric or weed shield to separate the soil from the rest of your yard, and add the caps to each channel post for a completed effect. Reuse your yard and kitchen scraps and allow them to help you grow fantastic crops with this Brown Mezza Cedar Composting Garden Bed. Assembly required. One year warranty.

Dimensions: 48"L x 48"W x 22.25"H
Mounting: place on level surface
Construction: cedar, aluminum posts
Mfg. Warranty: 1 year warranty